Thursday, 2 February 2017

Tips and Suggestions on How to Raise Chickens

The process of raising chickens involves many details that you should know beforehand. It is very important to be aware of some facts, in order to be able to raise your chickens without problems. Below, you will find some useful tips and suggestions that can help you raise your chickens without any hassle.

Firstly, it is very important to plan ahead how many chickens you need to raise. Irrespective of whether you are raising chickens for meat or eggs, the products can be in excess if you underestimate your chickens production power. For example, four or five chickens are enough to cover your need of eggs all year round. If you raise ten chickens, then you will have far too many eggs for your needs.

Choosing the right equipment for your poultry is very important. Do not go for cheap products that will not last long. It is much better to invest in high quality equipment that will help you produce more eggs and meat. It will give you a very good value for your money.

tasty poultry are very sensitive birds. They easily affected by the weather conditions, so it is very important to make sure that the environment inside the coop is optimal for the birds. Use a heating lamp to provide extra warmth inside the coop, but do not underestimate its power. It could have a negative effect on the chickens if the coop is overheated.

Water and food are essential for chickens. They can not withstand shortage of water, so it is very important to monitor the water dispensers and top them up as often as the feeders. Water will keep your chickens hydrated, so make sure that they have enough water with a good-to-drink temperature. In winter, water can easily turn into ice and this will make it impossible for the chickens to drink, so make sure that you have water dispenser heater in place. It will keep the water in a good condition for the chickens to drink.

One of the important mistakes that breeders make is to forget to change the straw flooring from time to time. The flooring is a very important item in the coop and it should always remain dry and fresh. The presence of water in the bedding will help microorganisms to flourish and infect the birds